Partners In Health (PIH) is a nonprofit organization with its headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts, whose mission is to provide quality health care for poor and most in need populations around the world. Since 2005, the Ministry of Health in Rwanda has worked with PIH Rwanda, also known as Inshuti Mu Buzima, to improve the quality of care in the country and increase health care access for Rwanda most in need populations. PIH/IMB have since helped to bring high-quality health care to three Districts namely: Kayonza, Burera and Kirehe.
Partners In Health / Inshuti Mu Buzima is seeking for proposals from qualified and authorized suppliers / vendors for following tenders:
LOT I: PIH-IMB-7700-M02-FY25 : Hiring customs clearing agency for clearing services provision under framework agreement
Interested, qualified and authorized bidders should provide their proposals bearing the following tendering requirements:
For compulsory requirements; administrative requirements; technical requirements and financial – Refer to ToRs available inPartners In Health/Inshuti Mu Buzima E Procurement System using following link: (https://pih-imb.org.rw/eprocurement/index.php
Financially, in addition to ToRs :
- Offers should include terms and conditions of payment as per each Lot.
- Validity of offers shall not be less than 120 calendar days from the day of its submissions to PIH.
Please note the following:
- All proposals from interested and qualified bidders will be electronically submitted to Partners In Health/Inshuti Mu Buzima through E-Procurement System : (https://pihimb.org.rw/eprocurement/index.php) before March 24, 2025 at 11: 59 pm (closing time) Kigali time prompt – Failing to follow this instruction proposals will not be considered
- Results of the public opening session will be available in the eProcurement system starting from March 25, 2025 from 00:00 AM.
Special Notes:
(1) There is no fee paid to obtain the Tender document.
(2) Partners In Health is not obliged to purchase or to pay for any costs incurred by bidders in preparation of proposals in response to this tender notice.
(3) Partners In Health/Inshuti Mu Buzima employees are not allowed to participate in any PIH tender.
(4) For more information about this tender interested bidder shall contact Partners In Health team using following email address: imbprocurement@pih.org
(5) For interested bidders; a tutorial of PIH e-Procurement system is available on following link:https://www.pih.rw/procurement
Done at Kigali on February 21, 2025
Senior Director for Procurement & Logistics
Partners In Health / Inshuti Mu Buzima