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Tender Notice for Hiring a Competent Office Fit-out Contractor for the Proposed RSSB Gasabo Branch Through Two-stage Tendering Procurement Method

Ultimate Developers ltd (UDL)
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Tender Ref No: 08/W/NCB/UDL/2025

ClientUltimate Developers Ltd (UDL)

Source of Fund: UDL

Date: 06th March 2025

Dear potential bidders

Ultimate Developers Ltd (UDL) is a private real estate company affiliated with the Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB). It is leading the way in transforming the property business in Rwanda. UDL's growing portfolio of Residential and Commercial projects is changing Rwanda's real estate landscape. UDL was mandated by its sole shareholder (RSSB) to expedite the partitioning and branding of its new Branch office in Gasabo, located in the KABC Building, Kacyiru.

This tender aims to enter into a contract with competent fit-out contractors/companies with proven expertise and experience in fitting out prestigious corporations' modern offices to undertake the fit-out works for the proposed new RSSB Gasabo Branch offices through a two-stage tendering process.

This procurement will follow a two-stage tendering process, which consists of:

  • Stage 1 – Prequalification & Technical Proposals: Interested bidders must submit prequalification documents, including company profiles, experience, financial capacity, and a preliminary technical proposal detailing their approach and methodology.
  • Stage 2 – Financial Proposals & Final Technical Evaluation: Only shortlisted firms from Stage 1 will be invited to submit their detailed financial proposals and any revised technical proposals based on feedback from Stage 1.

This Letter of Invitation addresses all competent construction companies with vast experience in fitting out prestigious corporations' modern offices to undertake the fit-out works for the proposed new RSSB Gasabo Branch offices by the Terms of Reference herein. Bidding will be conducted through two-stage tenderingNational Competitive Bidding(NCB).

Interested bidders shall purchase the bidding Document at a fee of Twenty Thousand Rwandan (20,000 RWF) via Ultimate Developers Ltd Account Number opened in Bank of Kigali, Account Number 100004408289 in the names of Ultimate Developers Limited (UDL) and may obtain further information at UDL Head Office (Address below) during office hours 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. Local Time or via email.

Interested bidders may obtain further information on the Tender Document and other clarifications at the UDL Head Office (Address below) during office hours, 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. Local Time.

The Tender Document will be available for pickup from UDL offices on 07/03/2025 at 09:00 a.m. or can be requested via the above emails upon proof of purchase.

An obligatory site visit is scheduled at the UDL head office on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025, at 11:00 a.m., and a certificate of attendance will be issued. Any bid submitted without a certificate of attendance will be rejected. 

Well-typed technical proposal bids written in English and marked with the Tender Title and tender reference number shall be deposited in sealed envelopes at the Procurement Office of UDL no later than 26/03/2025 at 10:00 a.m. local time

Bids will be opened with bidders’ representatives who choose to attend on 26/03/2025 at 10:30 a.m. local time in the Board Room of UDL HQ, 9th Floor /RSSB Building – Tower II. Bids shall remain valid for 120 days after the prescribed Deadline for Bid Submission.

UDL reserves the right to cancel this tender at its discretion at any stage of this tender proceeding

The procurement shall be conducted in full compliance with the UDL procurement manual.


Damien Murwanashyaka

Chief Executive Officer

Ultimate Developers Ltd.

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