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Tender Notice for the Construction of Post Harvesting Storage , Different Toilettes ,construction of Sewage Tank, Gate at GAH LTD

Gabiro Agribusiness Hub (GAH) Ltd

Gabiro Agribusiness Hub Ltd is a fruit of joint venture Company established between the Government of Rwanda through its Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (Majority shareholder) with Netafim Ltd, an Israeli company that offers global leadership in the agriculture manufacturing industry. Both parties signed a Joint Venture-JV and Engineering Procurement and Construction-EPC agreements on February, 23rd 2019 to initiate Gabiro Agribusiness Hub Project Phase I (5600/15600 Ha). The project shall cover Karangazi and Rwimiyaga sector, of Nyagatare district. Phase II of the project is expected to extend to both north and south parts of phase I reaching to Gatsibo District.


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Title: Construction of Post Harvesting Storage , different Toilettes ,Construction of sewage Tank, Gate at GAH Ltd.

Method: Two stage tendering

Source of funds: GAH Ltd Budget


Tender Notice No: 013/W/GAH/PRC/24-25

The Gabiro Agribusiness Hub Ltd, hereby invites sealed bids from eligible bidders specialized in construction to submit their technical offer for the construction of post harvesting storage , different toilettes ,construction of sewage tank,Gate at GAH Ltd . Participation is open on equal conditions to all companies specialized in the field.

Tender Documents must be in English may be obtained on any working day and hours from Gabiro Agribusiness Hub Ltd (GAH Ltd) Head Office upon presentation of a proof of payment of anon-refundable fee of Ten Thousand Rwandan Francs (10,000 Rwf) paid to the account No. 100084141687 of GABIRO HUB REVENUE opened at Bank of Kigali (BK).

Enquiries regarding this tender may be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer of Gabiro Agribusiness Hub Ltd, through the email of

Well printed bids technical proposal without financial proposal, properly bound and presented in two copies one of which is the original must reach, in sealed envelopes to the reception desk of GAH Ltd Office located at GAH Ltd DEMO FARM & DAIRY @Karushuga, Rwimiyaga ,Nyagatare., not later than March 14th2025 at 12:00 pm. Electronic bidding shall not be allowed. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened.

A Compulsorysite visit is scheduled 28/02/2025 and will be conducted by GAH Ltd Nominated Staff. The venue for departure is fixed at GAH Ltd at 11:30 pm Local Time

All technical bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of One Million Rwandan Francs (2,000,000 Rwf) or its equivalent freely convertible in Rwandan Francs or an equivalent amount in freely convertible currency.

The bids shall remain valid for a period of 120 days starting from the submission deadline.

Bids will be opened physically in the presence of the bidders or of their representatives who choose to attend in person at GAH Ltd Office, on March 14th, 2025 at 01:00PM

Bids will be opened and governed by the internal procurement policy and procedure manuals approved by the GAH Ltd

Nyagatare, 20thFebruary, 2025


Chief Executive Officer /GAH Ltd

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