Tender Notice N°01/NUDOR/2025
The National Union of Disabilities’ organizations in Rwanda - NUDOR (hereinafter called ‘’Client”) funded by the Scottish Government through their Climate Justice Fund - CBM UK towards the cost of accessibility works of the retrofitted houses in Gisagara, Ngororero and Karongi. NUDOR now invites, by the present invitation, to tender, sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for physical accessibility works of 48 retrofitted houses. The execution period is ten days (10 calendar days) upon the contract signature.
Bidding will be conducted through an open competitive method and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the bidding data sheet. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the procurement officer using the email: recruitment@nudor.org with cc: info@nudor.org
The qualifications requirements include:
- copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration, and principal place of business of the bidder; written power of attorney of the signatory of the bid to commit the bidder.
- proven advanced skills and knowledge in disability accommodations and physical accessibility/ a deep understanding of accessibility standards and best practices (well-versed in universal design principles, which focus on creating spaces usable by all persons, regardless of age or ability).
- evidence of relevant experience in the execution of works of similar nature, including the nature and value of the relevant contracts for each of the last five years, as well as works in hand and contractually committed.
- major items of construction equipment proposed to carry out the contract. The Bidder must indicate whether such equipment is owned by him, hired or used by subcontractor (s).
- qualifications and experience of key site management and technical personnel proposed for the contract with their CVs and academic testimonials.
A site visit is scheduled on 11/03/2025 in each District from 9:00 and will be guided by NUDOR representatives. Upon the visit, a site visit certificate will be provided. The latter will be submitted within the bidding documents.
A complete set of bidding Documents in English may be obtained by interested bidders from the procurement officer from 07/03/2025 09:00 am – 5:00 pm during the working hours, on presentation of the bank slip as a proof of payment of a non-refundable fee of ten thousand Rwandan francs (frw 10,000) at NUDOR account Number 100009102234 (NUDOR Administration) Opened at Bank of Kigali (BK).
Bids must be delivered to the procurement office before 17/03/2025 at 10:00am. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened physically in the presence of the bidders or of their representatives who choose to attend in person at NUDOR conference room the same day, on 17/03/2025 at 11:00 am.
Issued at Kigali, on 03/03/2025
Nsengiyumva Jean Damascene
Executive Secretary