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Terms of Reference(TOR)for Recruitment of a Firm/consultant for the Development of a Communicationand Visibility Policy

Rwanda Civil Society Platform

Mission: is to represent our members in the processes of facilitating citizen's participation in sustainanble development efforts throught constructive dialogue, debate and advocacy at the national and international levels. 

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1. Background

The Rwanda Civil Society Platform (RCSP) is a national umbrella organization that coordinates and represents 14 civil society organizations (CSOs) across Rwanda. Since its inception in 2004, RCSP has played a pivotal role in ensuring that the voices of civil society are heard within Governmental and Regional structures. RCSP’s mission is to act as a framework of coordination, knowledge exchange, promoting synergy among its members and strengthening their capacity to be impactful at the national, regional, and international levels.

Effective communication plays a pivotal role in fulfilling RCSP’s mission, ensuring that its work and that of its members are visible, transparent, and well-understood by stakeholders, including the general public, government, donors, and the international community.

To this end, RCSPisseekingtheservicesofaqualifiedconsultant/firmtodevelopacomprehensiveCommunicationsandVisibilityPolicy. This policy should guide how RCSP and its members communicate externally, ensuring the ethical and dignified use of imagery, stories, and data in all communication efforts, while also adhering to national standards for information and data protection.

2. Objectives

The primary objective of this consultancy is to develop a Communications and Visibility Policy that will enhance RCSP’s external communications, ensuring that they are consistent, ethical, and aligned with its mission and values. The policy should refer to existing documentation of the kind and should include guidelines on the dignified use of imagery, responsible storytelling, and safeguarding sensitive information, including compliance with data protection laws.

Specific objectives of the consultancy include:

  • Developa comprehensive policy for ethical communications, focusing on the respectful use of images and stories.
  • Establishclear guidelines on safeguarding information and ensuring data protection in line with national standards.
  • Provide practical strategiesfor promoting RCSP’s work and that of its members through multiple communication channels.
  • Createprotocols for engaging with media and other external 
  • Ensure thatall communication efforts support RCSP’s visibility while upholding its values of dignity, inclusivity, and respect.

3. Scope of Work

The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • DocumentReviewandAnalysis:Review the RCSP 5-Year Strategic Plan, current communication materials, and any relevant policies to understand the organization’s communication needs and priorities.
  • Stakeholder Consultations: Engage with RCSP members, communication experts, andother stakeholders (including current and potential partners) to gather insights and feedback on communication practices and expectations.
  • Development of Ethical Communication Guidelines: Draft clear guidelines on theethical use of imagery, respectful storytelling, and consent processes when using personal stories or sensitive data in external communications.
  • InformationandDataProtection: Develop protocols for protecting sensitive information, including compliance with Rwanda’s data protection laws.
  • MediaandVisibilityStrategy: Create a media and visibility strategy that ensures RCSP’s work is effectively communicated to stakeholders, including the use of digital and traditional 
  • ImplementationGuidelines: Propose implementation guidelines for RCSP and its members to adopt and apply the Communications and Visibility Policy.

4. Firm/Consultant'sTasks

The firm/consultant will be expected to:

  • ReviewExistingDocuments: Conduct an in-depth review of RCSP’s current communication efforts and relevant policy 
  • DevelopaDetailedMethodology: Propose a clear methodology for the policy development process, including stakeholder consultations, data collection, and policy 
  • Conduct Consultations: Organize and lead consultations with relevant stakeholders toinform the development of the 
  • Prepare Policy Document: Draft the Communications and Visibility Policy, includingethical guidelines and data protection protocols, and present them to RCSP for 

5. Deliverables

The firm/consultant is expected to provide the following deliverables:

  • Inception report: A detailed report outlining the consultant/firm’s understanding of theassignment, proposed methodology, and a work plan. This should be submitted within the first week of the 
  • DraftCommunicationsandVisibilityPolicy: A comprehensive draft policy that includes ethical communication guidelines, data protection measures, and a visibility 
  • Final Communications and Visibility Policy: A finalized and actionable policy thatincorporates feedback from key stakeholders, including a phased implementation 
  • Executive Summary: A concise summary of the policy, suitable for presentation todecision-makers and stakeholders..

6. Timeline

The assignment is expected to be completed within 20 days from the commencement date. A detailed timeline will be part of the application.

7. Profile and Competencies Required

The ideal firm/consultant should have the following qualifications:

  • Master’sorBachelors’degreeor higher in Journalism, Communications, Public Relations, or a related field.
  • Provenexperience in developing communicationsstrategies/policies, particularly for Civil Society Organizations.
  • Strong knowledgeofethicalcommunicationpracticesincluding the dignified use of imagery and data protection protocols.
  • Demonstrated expertisein media relations, stakeholder engagement, and digital 
  • Excellent analytical,research,andcommunicationskillsparticularly in ethical communications, and policy development.

8. Financial Offer.

The financial offer should be inclusive of all taxes. Applicants are required to submit a detailed budget breakdown, including daily rates, estimated number of working days.

9. Reporting

The firm/consultant will report directly to the RCSP Executive Secretary throughout the duration of the assignment.

10. Proposal Submission

Interested firm/consultant should submit their proposals via email to by October 28, 2024, before 5:00 P.M. The submission should include:

  • A cover 
  • A curriculum vitae (CV).
  • Samplesof previous relevant 
  • A detailed financial proposal (inclusive of taxes) provided separately from the technical 


  • Alldocuments should be submitted in 
  • Proposalsshould be submitted electronically in PDF format, with the technical and financial proposals in separate 
  • Theemail subject line should read: Proposal – Communication and visibility policy for 

RCSP reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received and only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

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  • Your application will be sent to the employer immediately (Allowed formats: .doc .pdf .txt .docx)
  • A confirmation email will be sent to you few minutes afterwards
  • You can request any documents archived from our website (ex: a job description, a CV, a cover letter...)