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Tender Notice for Maintenance and Repair for Adra’s Cars: Land Cruiser, Hilux and Coaster

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)

ADRA the global humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church—part of the 20-million strong Adventist community, with hundreds of thousands of churches globally and the world’s largest integrated healthcare and education network.

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Tender Number: 17-01-2025 – ADRA VEHICLES

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Rwanda hereinafter referred to as the Client invites all qualified bidders specialized in the field of maintenance and repair of cars, to participate in open and equal conditions to submit bids for the: “Maintenance and Repair for ADRA’s Cars”, for the period of one year depending on the availability of funds.

Detailed documents for this tender can be obtained during working hours (from 9am to 4pm except weekends and public holidays) from ADRA Rwanda Headquarters located at KG2 567 ST 14, Kacyiru Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali City, upon presentation of proof of payment of a non-refundable fee of Fifty Thousand Rwanda Francs (50,000 Rwf) to Account N° 00040-100001429277/RWF of ADRA Rwanda opened at Bank of Kigali.

The bidder will be expected to submit well-printed biding documents, properly bound and sealed in 2 copies. One of which specifying the technical offer and the other specifying financial offer of tender. These documents must reach ADRA Rwanda Headquarters not later than 19/02/2025 at 10:30 am. Late bids shall be rejected.

NOTE: Technical offer should be submitted separately from the financial offer. Each proposal should be put in smaller ‘inner envelopes’ having the name and address of the company. Both will then be put in a bigger “outer envelope” marked with the reference number of tender notice with the following mentions: Tender tittle: “TENDER TITLE: MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR FOR ADRA’S CARS: LAND CRUISER, HILUX AND COASTER.

Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend the opening session at ADRA Rwanda boardroom on 19/02/2025 at 11 O’CLOCK.

The bids must have a validity period of ninety (90)days from the bids opening date.

Done at Kigali on 17th January 2025

Geoffrey S.N. Kayonde

Country Director

ADRA Rwanda

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