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Call for Application for a Professional Training on Consultancy Management Course

Economic Policy Research Network Rwanda( EPRN)

Economic Policy Research Network (EPRN ) is an equal opportunity economic policy research platform in Rwanda bringing together key economic management institutions, individuals and organisations active in economic policy research and analysis to create a pool community for economic policy researchers through organising trainings on quantitative research methods, research coaching and mentorship, work place placements, learning tours and joint research projects to support provide evidence for economic policy formulation and policy research development. EPRN therefore responds to economic policy gaps created mainly by lack of quality and informative research and the challenge of human capacity in terms of limited numbers of economic researchers and active involvement.

Membership is open to researchers, academicians, policy makers in the government institutions, private sector members and development partners.

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Call for application for a Professional Training on Consultancy ManagementCourseCode:EPRN15/PT/24

DATES:from 25th to 27th October 2024

Venue:University of Rwanda, Gikondo Campus

1. Introduction

Consultancy is an activity that consists of diagnosing problems and solving them. This way, consulting services can be offered either by a professional expert in the area in which the consultancy needs to be performed or by a consulting firm. Today’s organizations are tasked with creating better products and services, creating them more quickly, and doing so with fewer resources. These new pressures make consulting skills a must-have for modern business. A consultative approach offers a practical route to faster organizational buy-in, improved client relationships and better customer service.

Like any other business, consultancy practices need to be managed and business performance depends on the quality of management. This intensive course focuses on the key competency areas that are needed to manage consultancy work effectively. This course is for both consultants, procurement officers, projects managers, and any other person who develop or manage consultancies. It is also valuable for those who want to progress to more senior roles in a consulting practice that involve managerial as well as consulting skills.

This training is very practical and interactive thus providing a step by step approach to develop consultancy proposals and/or to manage consultancies (services, works and supplies).

2. Course content

This course will cover the following sub-topics:

  • Introductionto consultancy management
  • The consulting process
  • Essential consulting skills
  • Basicsof cost-benefit analysis
  • Tools and technologies in consulting
  • Practicalapplication and case studies
  • Consulting ethics and legal considerations
  • Internationaland cross-cultural consulting basics
  • Artificialintelligence (AI) consulting

3. Training methods

This training course will be run in a workshop style with a high degree of participants’ involvement. Adult learning methodologies will be employed, and participants will not be passive. Debate and open discussions will be encouraged. The trainer will use a mix of presentations to define and explain key concepts and practical exercises. Samples of case studies will be analyzed to learn from best practices in consultancy management.

4. Certificate

EPRN will issue completioncertificates to participants who will successfully attend the course and pass the course test.

Note: At the end of the course, the trainer will deliver a test, and ONLY participants who will get at least 60% will get the certificates. Others will be advised to wait until another similar training opportunity which they will attend free of charge (this chance is provided only once).

5. Training fees,venue and dates

  • Members:60,000 Rwf
  • Non-members:100,000 Rwf

This training will be held at University of Rwanda, Gikondo Campus (former SFB building) from 25th to 27th October 2024 (9:00am-4:00pm).

6. Payment process

Interested applicants are encouraged to pay the registration fees through the following bank details:

  • BankAccount: 00040 0694575007 RWF (Bank of Kigali)
  • Titleof the Account: Economic Policy Research Network

Scan the bank slip and send it to: OR bring the hard copy of bank slip to EPRN office at University of Rwanda- Gikondo Campus (former SFB). You can also pay through MTN MOMO PAY (*182*8*1*030683#)or through PayPal on our website ( and notify us through

If you need further clarifications,call us through:0788357648 or write to

Kigali, 08/10/2024

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  • Your application will be sent to the employer immediately (Allowed formats: .doc .pdf .txt .docx)
  • A confirmation email will be sent to you few minutes afterwards
  • You can request any documents archived from our website (ex: a job description, a CV, a cover letter...)