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Society for Family Health(SFH)

Society for Family Health(SFH) logo

Society for Family Health (SFH), Rwanda is a non-profit organization in Rwanda. It is the largest social marketing organization in Rwanda, with five regional offices across the country. Working in partnership with the public and private sectors, and harnessing the power of the markets, SFH provides life-saving products, clinical services and social and behavior change communications (SBCC) that empower the world's most vulnerable populations to lead healthier lives. SFH’s core values include a belief in markets and market mechanisms to contribute to sustained improvements in the lives of the poor; results and a strong focus on measurement; speed and efficiency with a predisposition to action and an aversion to bureaucracy; decentralization and empowering our staff at the national and district level; and a long-term commitment to the people we serve. SFH implements diverse public health interventions in HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, malaria, and maternal and child health including nutrition as well as Health Systems Strengthening. SFH’s activities ranges from product sales and distribution to social and behavior change communication, advocacy, reproductive health research, and community mobilization.

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